Tuesday, December 12, 2017


The nightly conversation with the FBR was going swimmingly when my daughter told me to ask Wingman about his finger. He then related how in a fit of distracted garnish peeling he decided to slice off the tip of his little finger. He checked with his customer who didn’t want the whole human flesh experience added to their drink and had another bartender finish the drink while he duct-taped his finger shut. In testament to his toughness and why he fits in so nicely in our family with their long history of ignoring physical injury, he worked the rest of his shift. He was checking out at the end of the night when the owners noticed the injury and directed him to the emergency room
FBR Winding Up for Another Throw
Three delightful hours later he became acquainted with that old military standby – coagulant gel which he immediately developed into a fan of. It made for a very long night but he could laugh, a little, about the whole thing by the time we talked. The FBR has her own way of administering to the injured which in her father’s case meant jumping on his chest repeatedly. He didn’t seem to mind. She’s already developed a keen ability with snowballs with Wingman designated as her target of choice.
He wasn’t the only one hurting last night as the Patriots had their collective asses handed to them by the lowly Dolphins. This game marked the first time in a very long time that the Patriots basically didn’t show up and Brady looked like a forty year old quarterback. It was frustrating to watch as the injuries on defense have become too profound to mask. The only upside is the rage this hopefully induces in Foxboro leading up to this week’s showdown with the Steelers.

The Bad Cinema project count rises to #77 out of 100, with Battle Beyond the Sun, a Soviet film Americanized by none other than Francis Ford Coppola.

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