Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Naming Rights

My Wife's Not the Only One Into Shoes
I have decided to take the historic step of withdrawing my offer to sell the naming rights to my style challenged fire pit. I know this has the potential to cost me thousands of dollars as corporations near and far had been lining up for the opportunity to affix their corporate name with this modicum of do-it-yourself construction art. The final straw was yesterday when a Facebook friend commented after reading yesterday’s blog that she didn’t even realize that it was a fire pit and thought I’d created some sort of stone throne in my back yard. The fire pit shall forever more be known as “Rodney” in honor of Mr. Dangerfield who also received no respect.
I Guess Rodney Does Kind of Look Like a Chair
I had my semi-annual teeth cleaning appointment today where I was subjected to the usual indignities. I never dated a dental hygienist but I think they must be a dangerous breed with hugely overdeveloped forearms from all the scraping their job entails. I think my neck is going to be sore for a couple days.
Day 2 of Sox Playoff Beard
The FBR reported in last night with a pretty bad cold. Wingman reported that her affliction hadn’t slowed her down a bit, all day long. Our conversation took place during dinner and she was also shoveling food into her mouth at record breaking velocity. Somehow I think she’s going to be alright. She also ingratiated herself even more with her abuela and who thought that was even possible. My Favorite Panamanian called in while I was talking on FaceTime and when the FBR heard her abuela’s voice she immediately perked up. At some prompting from her parents, between mouthfuls, she said, “I love you abuela!” loud enough for my wife to hear. The ensuing “awwwww” was thunderous.
Retiring to the Ball Room with Some Friends

New Friend at Playground (Yankee Fan!!!!)
Speaking of my then absent wife, she and her acquisition assistant, the Neighborhood Mafioso were on the road to do some, you guessed it, shopping. My wife claimed she needed a new pair of boots because her feet had mysteriously grown a full half size. I polled the family last night and both my Favorite Son and Wingman opined that this was impossible. Both my daughter and the ABFA engaged in secret smiles of admiration. At an age when we’re supposed to be shrinking my wife is growing, but only in the area that would need additional shoe buying. Imelda Marcos is smiling down on this latest gambit from her devotee.

The Bad Cinema project count rises #23 out of 100 with hopefully my last Herc – Hercules Unchained and The Lost Jungle.

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