Tuesday, October 17, 2017


Wife Surrounded by Family at Frost Free Resort
An eloquent example of the state of my “loose ends” without any on site supervision was what the front of my house looked like as the sun set last evening. I forgot to take a picture this morning so you’ll have to make do with my description. Worcester was scheduled for its first hard frost of the season last night and I recalled the panic that always accompanies this news with my Favorite Panamanian as to the fate of her always extensive flower gardens. Not wishing to appear less than responsive to this seasonal drill I spent an hour outside draping tarps over a large section and then wrapping individual plants in plastic bags. There were a couple larger flower beds that I used the cover from the grill on. The final ascetic indignity was using a step ladder and a very funky carpet scrap. By the end of my efforts the front of the house looked like the something out of the Beverley Hillbilly’s house before the bubblin’ crude. All I know is the flowers survived, at least until the next frost.
Hoodie Weather in New Jersey Though
My wife and her siblings are spending a couple days in a Panamanian resort with no WiFi so I was truly without supervision but I didn’t want to face questioning as to why I hadn’t taken remedial measures. I also took delivery of a second stool for the end of our kitchen island. My wife couldn’t find one the same height but, buoyed by my success at earlier stool trimming, ordered one very similar from the same company as the one we already have. Cutting four legs of a stool with a circular saw to the exact same height to match another stool is not as easy as it sounds, trust me on this.
Schooling Dad on the Proper Swing Push

Oh, a Squirrel - Time to Chase
Buddy would be So Proud
In a complete turnaround the FBR was back to enjoying goofing around with her grandfather last night on FaceTime. Her conversational abilities seem to increase with each passing day. I now get immediate answers to every question I ask her. It helped that the conversation took place at the dinner table so she couldn’t charge off camera. She wanted to demonstrate how adept she is nowadays at using a “big girl’s” cup. In her exuberance she overestimated her intake ability a couple times which resulted in a little coughing. She then shy admitted, “I drank too much”. I am completely in thrall.

The Bad Cinema project count rises to #34 out of 100, with The Alpha Incident, an alien virus plot laden with late 1970s’ pessimism.

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