Friday, April 7, 2017

Soggy Reunion

Dinner Last Night
My wife has been on a fairly impressive crusade all to clean the house to her lofty standards after being under my less lofty care for the past two months. We took a break from that exercise last night to sneak up to New Hampshire to take Keene Friend out for dinner. My Favorite Panamanian had been frustrated at being so far away when he went through his recent health crisis and needed to insure the rumors of his recovery were factual.
We talked about the visit earlier in the week but when I pulled into the garage after work I found her in sweat pants and t-shirt. I innocently asked her if she was ready to leave for New Hampshire which received an exasperated squawk as she charged upstairs to change. Her cleaning efforts led her to mix up the days – too much chlorine I think. She set a new personal mark at getting changed and we were soon on the very wet roads north. It was so good having my co-pilot back for the trip.
View from the Living Room of our Future Condo
We ran into a serious traffic jam in the middle of nowhere. The small section of Route 2 we normally use was completely jammed and nothing was moving. I immediately continued on the side road we were on and while my wife looked a little concerned. She doesn’t share my absolute faith in my land navigation skills. I figured if we kept heading north we would eventually hit route 12. For some odd reason I love being on roads I’ve never seen before and this offered me a chance to visit the thriving metropolis of Ashburnham, Massachusetts, so I can cross that off the bucket list. We hit route 12 amidst boasts of “Damn, I’m good” from the driver and were soon back on track.
Cake Suprise
My wife was relieved to see Keene Friend looking as good as he was. He stated that yesterday was the best day yet in his recovery and he looked the part. We kidnapped him for some dead animal flesh at the local steak house which was a lot of fun., at least for me. Keene Friend had to undergo the expected grilling from my Favorite Panamanian on his health situation, which included her personal theories on why it happened and everything he needs to change in his life. It’s kind of how she rolls. After dinner we returned to Keene Friend’s house where he surprised my wife with a cake for her February birthday. That’s how he rolls. Since one of us had to get up for work today we had to take off and I volunteered to drive back despite my wife’s planned substitution. It turned out to be a good thing because we drove through some really heavy rains to reach home. While driving at night in the rain is my least favorite option, the chance to hang out with Keene Friend for an evening totally justified it, especially since he seems so much better, health wise.
Charming Defined
Down in New Jersey the Frist Blog Reader continues her won recovery. In true family fashion she has refused to acknowledge that she’s even injured and continues to give Wingman a run for his money each day. He sent another of those heart melting videos yesterday which captured my granddaughter during a thunder storm that was passing by. He asked her what a thunderstorm does and she responded by pointing out the window and going, “Boom Boom”. If we can figure out a place to stash the Wonder Pooch we’re going down to New Jersey this weekend to hang with them.
Too Cute

Brushing her Own teeth

Helping mom Get Organized

Where Should I Throw this?
I didn’t blog yesterday (you’re welcome) because I was dealing with a series of Public Hearings with activists and the gathered masses of the Voices of Inappropriate Worth. The politicos are faced with a budget crisis due to a lack of state funding. The activists do not want to hear the truth and accused them of balancing our budget on the back of the poorly oppressed masses. When we countered that we are required by law to live within a defined budget and that means either service cuts or fare hikes they said that was unacceptable. It’s always fun to argue with people with such a firm grip on reality.

The missing blog did cause some concern from the blog’s one fan. Great Aunt texted me while I was at dinner concerned nothing had been published. I assured her I was okay but I should add at this point there will be no Frail Deeds either Saturday or Sunday this week as the trip to New Jersey will happily consume my time. The Cantankerous Friend must be in mourning today because his idol has passed away. Don Rickles may have been the funniest comedian I ever saw. His quick wit and ruthless attack comedy made me laugh virtually every time I saw it. It was obvious he got away with it because it was not heartfelt and undeniably hilarious. He probably wouldn’t have succeeded in today’s hyper-sensitive politically correct era and that would have been our loss.

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