Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Sly Looks and Tearful Times

Dinner Master
I returned to the back yard after work yesterday subterraneaning the last two trees of our future screen. The soil, good New England dirt that it is, provided the usual overabundance of rocks to make the exercise fun. What I would give to put spade to earth and have the damned thing actually descend its full length without clanging off rock in wrist tingling fashion. I really don’t know how the colonial era farmers made a go of it, respect; it does explain all the rock fences that lace the area from that era.
Trees Finally in the Ground
My wife was similarly employed all day long in the rototilled areas out front. She’s about halfway through preparing them to receive her incoming plants. We were a creaky pair last night as age was having its usual diabolical influence over middle aged bodies. I’m not sure what the world did before Motrin. We took delivery of two specialized rugs for the kitchen yesterday. I was a little mystified as to why we needed the extra cushioned carpets but my wife ardently campaigned for them. She shrewdly told me they would help her during the long time she spends annually making Christmas cookies. She knows I will underwrite anything aimed at that effort. After making breakfast this morning I am now a huge fan as well. Hard to credit what a difference the extra cushion means for knees and back, talk about timely.
New Carpets
Since it was date night I took her out to see the Fate of the Furious which I saw last Saturday. She loved it and it was a great mindless escape from physical discomfort. I love seeing movies I like repeatedly which is a good thing considering how many I own. I’ve been like this since my earliest memories. Movie theaters used to have 7pm and 9pm showings of the same movie and I always tried to stay for both showings if the first one hit the mark. I didn’t realize this was strange until well into adulthood. I thought everyone loved seeing the same movie over and over again. I’m not sure what it says about me but once a movie impresses me I will willingly watch it repeatedly. This surprises no one who truly knows me.
C'Mon Dad!
Before the movie we were blessed with another FaceTime call with the First Blog Reader. It was the second day in a row that we caught her at dinner and it offered some interesting insights into the dynamics of a precocious 17 month old. She spends the whole day with her dad and its obvious he was the one enforcing rules at dinner when she tries to push the envelope. She likes ketchup on everything (including watermelon!) and repeatedly tried to eat nothing but ketchup, forgoing actual food. She’s developed a sly, sidelong look at him when she’s displeased. He picks up on it and tells her to knock it off. She noticeably plays to her mother, who’s desperate for time with her after a day at the office. All this was hilarious to us watching from afar. Our laughter probably wasn’t helpful in their parental efforts to establish boundaries but, hey, that’s our job as grandparents.

It’s been a really “fun” couple of weeks at work as I’ve been delivering the annual personal evaluations to the eight directors that work for me. They’re all great people but I’ve always felt honesty and constructive criticism are more important than sitting around and singing “kumbaya” together. Some people would like to stay in their comfort zones and believe nothing bears improvement. I’m getting the distinct impression this was a new experience for some of them. They’ll be better for the experience but it’s kind of draining to have to point out shortcomings to people I honestly respect. It could be the tears from some of them when I’m trying to be especially constructive. They’re all at least still talking to me.

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