Friday, September 2, 2016

Light at End of Trench

Post Explosion Remorse
I finally reached the end of the trench I’ve been digging into the hillside behind Deckzilla. Since today is the First Friday of the Week, attendant celebrations will mitigate any further work on this project until tomorrow morning. I would hate to think of what the wall (the next step) would look like after a healthy dose of Brew City imbibing. I’m okay with waiting until tomorrow. I’ll probably do some of the grunt work like carrying the bricks out to the job site. Buddy has become accustomed to several hours out on Deckzilla each night trying to intimidate the neighborhood squirrels. 
Trench Finished
Wingman left home yesterday on the final leg of his farewell tour. I know it was tough to leave his ladies, especially after the past few weeks of seeing how fast his daughter was growing up. I caught up with my daughter and the young lady shortly after they had returned from dropping Wingman off at LAX. They were in the final throes of toxic cleanup efforts after what was described by my daughter as a “poop explosion”. Apparently my granddaughter expressed her unhappiness with her father’s departure by liberally coating herself and he surrounding environment; ahh the joy of parenthood.

Finally I’ve heard all the teeth gnashing about the idiotic posturing of the San Francisco quarterback refusing to stand for the national anthem. This really offends me on a very personal level but I spent my entire adult life wearing a uniform to defend his right to be an idiot so it would be hypocritical to condemn him for it. I would like to air drop him (with a parachute – maybe) into a 3rd world country where he could see what oppression truly looked like. Hard to see how a multimillionaire sports hero has any credibility but he’s got the right to look like a jackass if he wants to. 

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