Monday, May 23, 2016

Nice Guy Finish

These Two Are Going to Miss Each Other
I awoke yesterday to the flying fur of the Buddy/Riggins Summit Meeting. I found my sleepy Favorite Son on the morning watch while Riggins puttered around and my son fretted about a lost milk tooth. Buddy was his usual frantic self when he wakes up in a house inhabited by the Keene Friend. He wouldn’t calm down until the obligatory walk was delivered. I hated leaving but a wifeless Sunday and work week prep beckoned.
Riggins Following Buddy Around

Keene Friend with his Disciple

Riggins Helping with the Laundry
Prior to leaving for New Hampshire on Saturday I acquired a huge amount of dead animal flesh which I spent the better part of Saturday rendering into eatable form. Any vegetarian entering my house yesterday might have stroked out. I had in a short amount of time a pot roast, hamburgers, meatballs and large (make that delicious) porter house steak all in some form of processing.
Wingman Was in Iowa Last Night But Heads Home Today
My wife was packing her luggage for the return trip (always an involved procedure) but took time out to watch the Red Sox game with me via FaceTime. My granddaughter tuned in sporadically to check on the score and be charming; it turns out she really likes sweet potatoes. I know she didn’t get that from me. David Ortiz continues to amaze and elicits memories of what he was like in October 2013. I wonder how long he can keep it up? They’re a fun bunch to watch right now and Wednesday night I’ll have the couch-mate back at my side commenting on, well just about everything.

Fun Movie - Go See it
I escaped the miasma of seared red meat long enough to take in The Nice Guys – which I really liked. If anyone was wondering what Russel Crowe has been up to for the last couple years I learned the answer last night – he’s been eating donuts, Maximus certainly is in this movie. He and Ryan Gosling who they now allow to actually speak in movies were a terrific pair together. The semi-fondly remembered 1970s also got the obligatory skewering. They play a pair of L.A. private eyes who are drawn into a convoluted missing person’s case. The tone is irreverent from the start when a nude porn star drives her car through an adolescent boy’s house. If nothing else this movie points out the danger of hillside living in L.A. but I found it incredibly funny and entertaining. It veers shamelessly between slapstick and action and never forgets to be fun. It’s the best thing Crowe has done in a long while and maybe the best thing Gosling has ever done. I really liked it.

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