Monday, January 11, 2016

Seductive Quality of Isolation

Okay, so I may have overdone it a bit on Saturday celebrating good news and being around some excellent people. That, of course, meant Sunday arrived with kind of a deadened feeling. In my wife’s absence Sunday becomes one of the busiest days of the weeks since I have to undertake all of the myriad tasks she usually performs to make the work week happen. I decided to make the short drive home instead of inflicting myself on my sister for breakfast. It turned out to be a good decision since I had the road pretty much to myself, an ever increasingly rare event.
A Lot Less Cold and Rain in Panama - Wife Yesterday
You throw in the day long deluge of cold rain and you have the perfect bunker day. After a very soggy run to the grocery store I pulled up my skirts for the rest of the day. I donned the most comfortable lounge pants I could find and while food cooked and laundry cycled settled in for another afternoon of playoff football. There has to be something primordial about the drowsy inducing quality of rain on a cold day. Cavemen probably headed for their subterranean lairs to sleep away a day like yesterday. At any rate it has certainly made its way down the evolutionary trail to me; of course it could have been the Saturday adult beverages’ lingering affect, but I digress. I even ventured into the long neglected culinary field of dessert making, a true departure for me. I fielded a welcome call from my Favorite Son whom I think his mother charged with keeping tabs on me. The tab master herself also checked in a few times from Panama.
My Keto Friendly Concotions

Father in Law(R) and Mother in Law(L) With Old Friends Back Home
Her dad is kind of confused a lot of the time as he approaches 90 years of age. My wife knows one of the things he truly treasures is a trip back to the mountain town he grew up and was a young man in. As soon as she announced they were taking him there yesterday his personality changed immediately, think a young child hearing the ice cream truck down the street. He even donned a Red Sox cap, which I’m sure was a little painful for the lifelong Yankees’ fan. I can appreciate what going “home” can mean because I get the same thrill every time I crest the hill coming into my own hometown and see familiar landmarks. I can imagine what it’s like when you’re no longer independent enough to make the trip when you’d like. I think everyone wants to reconnect with their youth, even at 90.
Three Generations of Family

Wife and Her Niece on a Mountain Road

Sister in Law (Infamous PanaGal) and Niece
Speaking of youth, today’s pictures from California had me smiling intensely at breakfast.

Yes, Grandpa - I Really am that Cute!
Sad to have to say goodbye to another icon of my semi-misspent youth with the passing of David Bowie. He was kind of a confusing dude which is certainly to his credit. He left too early but certainly seemed to enjoy the ride. Rest in Peace Ziggy, thanks for all the gifts of yourself. You did well.

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