Wednesday, January 20, 2016

DC Immobilization and Cinematic Winning Streak

Hey Grampa! No Snow Out here!
My wife and I had a vigorous debate when it came time to retire from the military in 2005. We’d spent a total of ten years during my military career living in and around Washington, D.C. so it more than anything else felt like home, lots of good friends. I, in what turned out to be the prevailing opinion (you see I do occasionally win) wanted to return to New England. I liked living in Northern Virginia but I refused to have my life dictated by traffic which is a way of life there. The other thing that really bothered me was the region’s complete ineptitude whenever more than an inch of snow fell. Snow fell every year and yet it always seemed to surprise the local government which was woefully unprepared.
The Predicted Storm Snow Totals - Bad Time to BE in D.C.
Growing up in New England you expect the streets to be plowed and business to continue during anything less than a major blizzard. The incompetence of the region always galled me. It’s not as if it was Georgia where it rarely snows, snow fell every year I lived there, and even two inches was considered an emergency. I’m thinking on that now because a huge snow is barreling down on the Washington area. I’m sure the area’s panic buttons are wearing out. I’m so glad to live in New England where we’re only supposed to get around 14 inches over Saturday night. We should be back to normal by late Sunday afternoon. For those unfortunates living around DC, it could be days. Decision validated!
Granddaughter had a Play Date
Movies again last night (huge surprise, I know) and I was completely enthralled by Brooklyn. Not my usual fare but a truly great film because of its simplicity. A coming of age story for a young Irish girl who emigrates to Brooklyn in the early 1950s because of the lack of opportunity back home. She falls in with the local Irish community, starts to realize her potential and falls for a local guy. She’s pulled back to Ireland by a family tragedy and faces the pull of home conflicting with her new found independence.

There’s none of the melodrama usually forcibly inserted into a movie love story. There’s an understated elegance to the simple life and heartfelt emotions on the screen. Life doesn’t have to be complicated to be entertaining. I now understand the Oscar nomination for Saoirse Ronan who plays the young girl, she is so good. Her understated strength shines through a pair of penetrating eyes. This is definitely a chick flick but one even a hardened action freak such as myself was helpless to resist. 
Some more Californian perfection:

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