Friday, February 20, 2015

Frigidity and Then a Cinema Surprise

I’m still not dealing well with the incredibly cold temperatures following my serene tropical sojourn. Yesterday the winds returned with a vengeance which meant two more snow blowing sessions with the driveway from hell. If you give this hilltop a couple hours with some serious wind it feels compelled to fill up the driveway to the tops of the snow banks with blowing snow. The issue is that those snow banks are well over six feet in some locations. So this basically – sucks.
Buddy granted permission to leave him for a couple hours to check out a movie last night. Kingsman, The Secret Service turned out to be the first big pleasant surprise of 2015. The best word to describe this flick is fun – it’s a hoot from beginning to end. Colin Firth (who can do anything) is a senior and very lethal secret agent who recruits a young ne'er do well. The movie moves relentlessly but never loses its sense of fun (there’s that word again).

Samuel L Jackson is in full camp mode as a lisping super villain ably assisted by a young lady with razor sharp prosthetics (you kind of get the idea). The movie is very violent but in a cartoonish way that makes it entertaining. Seeing the usually staid Firth clean out a church full of red necks armed only with an umbrella and then the biggest head exploding panorama in cinema history will give you an idea of what awaits you. The young lead actor, Taron Egerton, took a while to grow on me but he held his own with Firth, Mark Strong and Michael Caine – no mean task. Plant you tongue firmly in cheek and go see this movie – just so much FUN!!!
Ran Across this Picture for a Very Young WingMan - so Cool

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