Sunday, October 13, 2013

Beard Fails Amidst Fun Crowd, Nuff Said

Yesterday the beard faced its biggest challenge which turned out to be the Detroit pitching staff.  The Sox managed only one hit and that wasn’t until the 9th inning.  It looked to be a great Fenway crowd that just couldn’t do anything against the Anibel Sanchez and Joe West combination.  West, the umpire, was harassed by the crowd but after every replay, except one, he looked to have made the right call.  After Drew made a sparkling defensive play in the top of the ninth and was due to bat in the bottom – I thought the stage was set for some Fenway magic but it was not to be. 
The game, while a serious downer, was at least fun because I had both the wife and daughter at my side as well as an extremely flatulent Buddy.  My daughter, a serious cat person, was not impressed with Buddy’s emanations.
Beautiful Foliage to Mow the Lawn By
It was a cloudily crisp autumn day yesterday and we started the winterizing drill.  I mowed the lawn and leaves while the gals did me a huge favor and moved all the deck and porch furniture into the basement.  Buddy assisted by notifying them of any dangerous squirrels in the area. 
My Wife with Buddy on Squirrel Patrol
I was charged with taking down the canopy on the deck which was infested with a cowering community of hornets and yellow jackets who decided to check in there for the winter.  My wife disabused them of this notion with a genocidal chemical attack.  Bodies were strewn across the deck which Buddy immediately started to eat which probably explains the late night gas.
Dead Hornets - Buddy Appetizers
I also took the time to finally assemble my new snow blower which had the typical cryptic Sears directions (I know – I can’t complain about them because I chose Sears again – dolt!).  I am excited about not having to deal with the finicky tractor again this year.  It probably won’t snow at all.
Posing With my New Toy
I love going to the movies with my daughter, a shared addiction.  We found a movie that all three of us would enjoy and went to see Enough Said.  The movie stars Julia Louis-Dreyfus and James Gandolfini, in his last role before his untimely death.  The movie is a true testament to his talent as he and Dreyfus find each other for a middle aged romance challenged by the people in their respective lives. 
I’ve never been a Dreyfus fan (I’m one of the six people in the world that did not like the Seinfeld show) but she’s very good in this.  I couldn’t stop thinking that even if the two characters find a way to be together that it was doomed because of Gandolfini’s impending death.  Sometimes I over think things.  The true value in this movie though is the dialogue which doesn’t try to elevate or send a message other than convey two ordinary people learning about each other.  Life can be a challenge and there’s enough drama in the simple things if they aren’t overly dramatized to make a neat movie.  That’s what we have here – a very nice movie that lacks pretention and just delivers. 

Now if the Sox can only find a way to start hitting again.
Playoff Beard Day 14 - Magic Waning?

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