Sunday, May 26, 2013

M.E.G. Becomes M.E.F.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yesterday was such a rainy, cold dreary day that I didn’t think anything could lift my spirits.  How wrong I was!  While we were eating dinner late last night my son called to reveal he was now an engaged man.  He popped the question to the Most Excellent Girlfriend during their romantic getaway into the White Mountains.  She will henceforth be known as he Most Excellent Fiancé (M.E.F.) until she reaches permanent status as Daughter in Law!!!
Two Very Happy People
My wife and I could not be any happier that our son met this remarkable young lady.  They been so obviously in love since they first met and we fell in love with her the moment we met her – she’s that kind of gal.  You worry that your children will meet their soul mates and then that they’ll be smart enough to marry them.  Well, the MEF means that my kids are two for two.
I was so happy for the two of them last night.  You could sense over the phone just how deliriously happy the two of them were also.  It’s rare that I’m at a loss for words but just thinking about this makes me so fundamentally content that is beyond words.
My son planned on proposing while climbing a mountain – something they both enjoy.  Unfortunately his plans were interrupted by the reappearance of winter in May but according to the MEF he found a way to ask the question in a vey romantic way at the Bed and Breakfast they were staying at.  Again, so, very, very, very, very happy.
Before this landmark news arrived we spent most of the day safely encased in the house watching Boston sports team excel.  The Red Sox came from behind late in the game to win over former boss Francona. 

In other news to beat back the rainy day doldrums my Keene Friend emerged from the mists to spend the rest of the weekend with us just in time to watch a stirring Bruins win to eliminate the Rangers.  His new job has consumed his weekends at a devastating pace so having him around will be a real treat – especially Buddy who quickly reestablished his bond with his long missing friend.  I’m guessing a walk is in line for tomorrow morning.

Buddy Attaching Himself to Long Lost Friend
The game went on until after 8pm so we got a very late start on dinner.  We went to Bob’s Steak House which I wrote about several months ago when my sister and bro in law took me there.  It was almost deserted but the food was uniformly great again and the company, well you know – even better.  It was here while we were ordering the food that we received the phone call from my son so this place will now have that extraordinary memory attached to it.
Dinner at Bob's
Earlier in the day I received a surprise package from my son in law.  He’s read the blog where I was bemoaning the lack of chocolate cake on the new diet.  Since he is my sensei on all things keto related he took matters into his own hand and sent me a keto-friendly box of chocolate brownie bars.  Like I said, my kids went two for two.

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