Thursday, May 16, 2013

Fending Off Attacks

Kind of a tough situation is arising at work. I have the absolute best boss in the world.  He’s had a couple of health challenges recently though that have slowed him down a bit.  Our customer is a politician to the core and doesn’t always enjoy hearing the truth which is my boss’ responsibility to do when appropriate.  The customer came to me and asked me to keep an eye on my boss for him because he thought my boss seemed “weird”. I think he hopes I'll report something so he can go after my boss.  That’s not going to happen; loyalty isn’t something you buy, it’s earned which my boss has more than done.
Reaping What is Sown
Speaking of loyalty it seems we’re getting another object lesson on misplaced loyalty as yet another second term president struggles with his legacy.  Obama’s minions have been caught red handed bringing politics into the IRS which is the last place it belongs.  A leader is responsible for everything that happens on his watch and these people obviously felt empowered by a president who’s made unremitting attack politics his mantra.  He seems to be doing the right things now about the situation but he provided the fertile ground for these “weeds” to flourish.

I returned home last night to find the wife in high voice on the phone, her I-Pad was not functioning as she wanted.  Unfortunately her I-Pad coach, our son in law, was enroute to the West Coast and unavailable, leading to a spirited and high pitched strategy session with another I-Pad owning member of the Latin Mafia.  High voice is not exactly a rare occurrence but one that called for the deployment of the ear phones.  I wear those when my wife gets on the phone on the same floor as the TV I’m trying to listen to. That’s not to say she speaks loudly (she does) but the acoustics of our house means anybody speaking in the kitchen (her favorite spot to hold forth telephonically) drowns out anything in the family room.  I’ve tried turning up the volume but that just seems to encourage her to speak louder.
Drowning Out the Noise
The head set ear phones are the answer.  She hasn’t come up with a way to circumvent their ability to shut her out (I’m sure she’s trying).  She took a picture yesterday while I was blissfully unaware of the interruption. 

I took off the ear phones when she joined me to watch a movie and Buddy took that as a sign to join us on the couch.  He was in a playful mood and I shortly found myself under intense canine attack.  My wife couldn’t stop laughing as Buddy tried to attack me through the blanket I was hiding under.  It was so much fun and a good way to end what had been a frustrating day to that point.  Dogs seem to sense when you need a lift.
Buddy On the Attack - My Head is Between his Front Legs

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