Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Then "Poof" She was Gone!
In the immortal words of John Ringer, “And then depression settled in.” Unfortunately the bill for the emotional highs of Saturday came due when I had to drop off my daughter at the train station last night. Even an unbelievably easy drive through the menacing Connecticut traffic in no way assuaged the pervasive feeling of loneliness I was facing upon return to the house. Buddy even seemed to pick up on the feelings and was not his exuberant self choosing to peremptorily seat himself on the couch. That will have to change when my wife returns. I think he misses the interaction with others as much as I do; I’m old hat to him and he enjoyed the variety offered over the past few days. I tried to postpone the inevitable by stopping by the pool for a workout on my way home but even the pool water seemed sinisterly murky reflecting my mood. My wife was sending me periodic instant messages from her adventures in Virginia with her friend including some photos. I know she’s trying to alleviate the loneliness and it certainly helped. I always get a kick out of her enthusiasm for just about everything, well almost everything. There are some cookies and brownies left over from the party, not to mention a slice of ice cream cake, that I am devouring with relish since the calorie Nazi is in Virginia. Speaking of party residue I now find myself with three different sets of sunglasses that were left by party goers. If any of you reading this attended the party and are now missing glasses – check out the photo below and give me a call. I tried watching a movie last night but I kept interrupting myself by checking in on the Red Sox game which included the return of Kevin Youklis as an enemy player for the first time. I liked the fact that he received a warm welcome in his first at bat. I enjoyed less the three hits he got but it didn’t hurt as the Sox won their second in a row (note to self – DO NOT GET EXCITED). Things at work are looking up a little as the union finally ratified the contract we agreed to so I don’t have any more negotiations to endure for another three years – now that’s something that helps with the depression. I also finished reading a book called First to Kill by Andrew Peterson. Amazon, with their impressive data mining capabilities noted that I liked the Lee Child books featuring Jack Reacher and suggested I check out this book. Since it was on special I did and boy am I glad that I did. The main character, Nathan McBride, is very Reacheresque and Peterson gets most of the military aspects right – tough for a non-military guy. The plot involved a race against time in stopping a white militia bombing spree but I liked the variety of plot lines and issues that were interwoven to great effect. I’ve already started on the second in the series, which unfortunately are all that exist. Yet another author I’ll be waiting on to produce. Buddy and I will have a long heart to heart tonight about his responsibility, entertainment-wise but reading this blog I have a lot to happy about and should stop feeling sorry for myself.

Murky Mood Reflecting Water
Are You Missing Your Sunglasses?

Instant Message - Friend and Wife Enjoying Each Other
Instant Message - Wife in National Cathedral
Instant Message - Wife In Front of Tree She Loves
But Can't Grow in Massachusetts
Instant Message - She Always Finds Time to Shop

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