Friday, July 13, 2012

Filial Reunions

Skinny Lunch Date
Yesterday was such a good day.  I made good on a promise I made to myself when my son left for Kirgizstan.  We only work twenty miles from each other but only had lunch together once prior to his departure.  Yesterday we had the first of what I hope to be a routine weekly lunch together now that he’s back.  He’s still way too skinny – apparently the Kyrgyzstani culinary environment was not to his liking. He gets his finicky eating habits unfortunately from me.  I know what he went through because this was a consistent challenge for me during my military career when we visited foreign countries and I had to eat some local fare to be polite to my hosts.  I still remember and cringe at some of the food I ate in Egypt offered by a friendly Egyptian counterpart.  I knew he was making a real effort at being a good host and I did not want to disappoint through my own failings.  Yesterday my son and I met up at a restaurant across from where he works and devoured some dead animal flesh together afar from foreign delicacies.  I really enjoy the one on one time because whenever we do get together nowadays we’re usually in a family or party situation so our contact is fleeting and usually part of a group discussion.  It’s nice to be able to just bounce ideas and observations off of each other.  It’s fun to see the man he evolving into as he gains life experience.  As soon as I got home from work I headed out the door again to drive down to New Haven to pick up my daughter and one of her friends at the train station.  They’re coming to spend the weekend for the big welcome home party.  I have already chronicled my absolute loathing of driving in Connecticut; my daughter constitutes one of the few motivations that can get me to drive through this traffic quagmire.  I was pleasantly surprised to cruise all the way down and even fractured a few speed limits to be waiting for her when she emerged from the station.  Unfortunately Connecticut is still Connecticut and as soon as we got back on the interstate we ground to a halt as traffic was backed up for miles.  In most states they wait until the later hours of the evening before closing down a four lane interstate to one lane for road construction; not in Connecticut. We eventually got through the worst of it and made pretty good time home.  I really enjoy these rides home with my daughter for the same reason I enjoy the lunches with my son – catch up time.  We reviewed recent movies and I dashed her and her friend’s hopes about Savages (she hadn’t read yesterday’s blog).  They still hold out hopes for Riggins’ movie career.  Buddy was appropriately apoplectic at meeting someone new with my daughter’s friend and she proved to be a dog person which immediately elevated my opinion of her.  My daughter, a dyed in the wool cat person, launched into a long discussion with Apple trying to recover data from her I-Phone which met an untimely end the day before.  She was only partially successful which was a downer but she emerged from the funk by delighting my wife with a web site that had dozens of amusing cat gifs.  My wife declared at the end that we are now going to get a cat.  I’ve got to figure out a way to defeat that inevitability.   A good day, even with Connecticut driving and the threat of feline intrusion.  The forces are now massing for the Saturday welcome home party for my son.  He and the most excellent girlfriend arrive tonight and we’re all heading for some of that mystically imbued Zorba’s pizza.  More friends and family will arrive tomorrow, although probably not my sister’s sister in law - who rumor has it is casting about for excuses as the party approaches.  I haven’t looked forward to a weekend this much in a long time!
Fresh Off the Train Yesterday

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