Wednesday, June 27, 2018


Missed my Call with the FBR Last Night
But She was Representing

I’ve always had a warm spot in my heart for dinosaurs dating back to my earliest memories. I remember sitting in my junior high library devouring the books of Roy Chapman Andrews and planning on becoming a paleontologist also. That was before real life intruded and informed me that scientific pursuits were probably not in my best interests as they require at least a modicum of patience, something I’ve never been an avid practitioner of. My 7th grade self was planning on following Andrews into the Gobi desert to exotic digs of dinosaur bones.
I believe I can state with absolute certainty that it was in everyone’s best interests that those plans fell by the wayside. As with anything held dear in youth there’s always been a fascination with the subject which means the spotlight over the past couple decades with the Jurassic Park book and subsequent movies has been more than welcome. I remember sharing the awe of Sam Neill and Laura Dern’s characters when they first see the live dinosaurs in the original movie. All of this leading up to last night’s movie which was the latest in the inevitable sequel for a successful movie – Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom.
I’ve always been a sucker for the movies in this series, even when they fail, call it my obsession with dinosaurs. We’re back on Isla Nubar for a very short period this time but it was action packed. I think the volcano eruption scene will go down in movie history as one of the most exciting ever filmed/created (although I’m sure there are some residents of the big island of Hawaii who wouldn’t be that enamored of it). The movie bogs down a little whenever the dinosaurs aren’t the focus except when Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard are on screen. They share an undeniable chemistry. I missed the John Williams score which only crept in a couple times. In this latest movie the dinosaurs face extinction once again, from volcanic activity once again, and the every ready evil corporation once again is trying to profit by it all. It’s a Jurassic movie so there wasn’t any deep meaning but it was an extremely fun watch, but that could be the 12 year old trapped inside me talking. They certainly set themselves up for another sequel which has fantastic possibilities.

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