Sunday, February 4, 2018


I really can’t complain this year because the wait wasn’t nearly as long for my Favorite Panamanian to return from Panama. She cut short her tropical sojourn in order to be on the scene for the arrival of our next grandchild – the BRS. I was accompanied to the airport by the Mafioso’s husband since she was returning on the same flight. The flight was delayed a little bit but I was confident I would know when they landed because a millisecond later my wife would have her phone out of airplane mode to confirm the husbands’ dutiful presence for onward movement. It was therefore confusing when nothing came, even after the plane was announced as arrived.
I suggested that she must have run the battery completely down – certainly not out of the realm of plausible possibility. They finally emerged from the doors and I learned she had lost her phone but may have accidently packed it in her luggage. I admired her fortitude for surviving the entire day without her favorite apparatus, usually glued to her ear. Both husbands were smart enough to show up with a bouquet of roses and warm winter coats.
I was in the middle of paying for parking when we heard from the FBR who was extraordinarily pleased to see us on the same screen again. She loudly proclaimed, “They’re together!” Insert the appropriate “out of the mouths of babes” comment here. The FBR was out grocery shopping with her mother earlier yesterday when she spied a Patriots’ balloon (astounding given they were in New Jersey at the time) and demanded to have it. I’m glad to see her parents are bringing her up correctly despite being in close proximity to both the hated Jets and Giants. True grit, there.

We pulled off the Mass Pike on our drive home to grab dinner in one of my old Framingham haunts which reminded me how much I’d missed hanging out with the other couple, not to mention the sparkling eyed beauty I’m married to. We finally returned home where I passed at least the initial inspection and actually received a couple attaboys from the Inspector General. There was a definite sense of the world clicking back into place because as the FBR so eloquently stated – “They’re Together!” My wife also found her phone packed in her makeup kit.

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