Friday, July 29, 2016

Backing into Friday

A Very Busy Young Lady
Not that I needed any reminders of middle aged restrictions on physical endeavors. I received just that last night when I ill-advisedly decided to play a game with the Wonder Pooch. I was down in the man cave when nature called for both of us. I like to play a game where he gets all tensed up while I repeatedly fake him out and then try launching myself out the door in the hopes of beating him to the stairs. I always fail but we both seem to enjoy it, a lot.
The Face That Launched a Thousand Blog Posts
Last night I failed to gauge the full effect age had on my reflexes and most of all my knees. I may have lost a step or nine. I went with a thirty year old plan with a sixty year old body, a course of action fraught with inherent danger. The resulting collision with the door frame, which for some inexplicable reason is pretty sharp (as I discovered), was epic. Luckily my wife was seated next to me to witness my ineptitude which resulted in the obligatory lecture on my foolishness. Buddy waited for me on the stairs wondering why he’d won by such a large margin this time out. I kept waiting for the sting to abate from my back. When my wife noticed my limited range of motion she required I lift the shirt so she could inspect the damage. This resulted in yet another lecture and a complete abandonment of my plan to just rub a little dirt in it and ranger on; wives are weird that way. I’m going to have to modify any future canine game plan when she’s present.
And the Door Frame Wins!
This episode did nothing to dim the pleasure of having a FaceTime call with my granddaughter as she ate dinner in California. She has luckily not inherited my taste buds because she was happily munching on broccoli (yech!) while ordering her mother around the kitchen. She’s reached the point where she fully understands how to make her point which means interesting days ahead for my daughter. Wingman started the final leg of his farewell tour last night in Wisconsin.
Wingman lying Down on the Job in Madison Last Night

Today is of course the First Friday of the Week which will require an application of the brewer’s art to provide the medicinal effect my aching back requires. At least, that’s this week’s excuse. We have a full weekend planned with a family wedding on Saturday and a road trip to Portsmouth on Sunday to celebrate my Favorite Son’s birthday, belatedly. Color me psyched!

I finished off the next book in CG Cooper’s Corps Justice Series with Council of Patriots. This was a direct sequel to the first book and has the hero, Cal Stokes, taking over operations in his security company. He is called upon to shepherd a congressman out to Las Vegas and immediately becomes involved with a Japanese plot to destroy the country. This second book showed a lot more polish than the first and the action is almost non-sop. Cooper shows a real flair for action scenes and creating memorable characters. I’ve already started on the third book in the series. 

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