Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Icons, Idiots and Other News

Someone's Having a Good Time
I’ve been so completely enamored (and still am) at having both my daughter and granddaughter around that I’ve eschewed commenting on some of the major news firestorms rendered by the national media. I should have noted the passing of Muhammad Ali, one of the truly iconic figures of the 20th century. While I’ll never agree with some of his political stances he certainly raised the consciousness levels for African-American athletes. He also introduced one of my least favorite aspects of modern professional athletics – smack talking. Since he was the greatest of all time he had the intelligence and ability to talk the talk. Unfortunately entire generations of eminently less qualified trash talkers have followed his example, especially in the NBA.
R.I.P. to the Greatest
There’s been a justifiable media tempest about the Stanford athlete recently convicted of rape. His lenient sentence and the letter from his father requesting that leniency has blown up the internet over the past few days. This idiot certainly deserved a much stiffer sentence than he received, castration with a rusty knife leaps to mind. I can understand a father’s heartfelt plea for clemency; I don’t think there’s a parent out there who wouldn’t do something similar for their child. He was obviously clueless about extending any kind of sympathy for the victim which says volumes about how his son was raised and insight about that son’s character which permitted him to commit this heinous crime. One’s time is better spent reading the painfully eloquent letter of the victim to the court. She provides an unblinking look into the ordeal which they should paste in large letters to the cell wall for the short time the idiot perpetrator is incarcerated. Here’s a link to that letter:


Idiot Who Should Be Fitted for Rusty Knife treatment
Back on the home front I continue to luxuriate in spending time with my granddaughter. We have a sign up in our kitchen that says, “If I’d known how much fun grandchildren were I’d have had them first”. While this clear impossibility engenders some humor it really does strike a theme. Children arrive when you’re too young to truly appreciate the wonder and charm they bring into the world with them. I know I was so worried about screwing something up that I didn’t fully appreciate the experience until it was over. Grandchildren represent a re-do of sorts and there‘s a lot less diaper changing involved (at least for grandfathers!)

Great Way to Spend a Lunch Hour
Wingman's Been in Detroit for Last Couple Days
I completed the last of the wall painting in the new house last night and even passed the wifely inspection (there is hope for the world). I had to figure out where the turn on valves were for the water spigots outside and that evolved into a minor detective story. The basement was remodeled which led to some artfully concealed access points through hanging ceilings and innocent looking drop doors. I summoned the help of the next door Mafioso who assisted in finally pinpointing the turn on valves. There were no less than four rabbits cavorting in the back yard when I went out there. They’re about to get a rude awakening when the Wonder Pooch arrives on the scene.

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