Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Lane Changing

Another dreary late winter (kind of) day was brightened with two video calls. The predictable one from the tropics featured my Favorite Panamanian who actually seems anxious to return home which made me feel pretty good. Of course she also wanted to know the extent of the damage I’d inflicted on her pristine home during her absence. I don’t think she appreciate my defense when I said she didn’t want to be bored when she got back. Always leave yourself an out.
Talking with the Doc
Proudly Bearing Her Wounds
The second call was from my daughter and the First Blog Reader (in full squawk mode). My granddaughter had just returned from her latest doctor’s visit and the attendant vaccinations. She handled this series of injections really well and predictably charmed the doctor. As a serial victim of that same charm offensive I counted her doctor very lucky. Wingman was napping during the call but he’s gotten very busy of late as well. His band is preparing for a farewell tour this summer. Nearly all the band members are married and with children as well so touring doesn’t have the same draw it did earlier. I’m excited for him as he contemplates the next phase of his life. He’s got some great company in the form of two ladies at his side as he moves forward.
"Dad, Let's Talk"

Hang Time with Dad
I finished up my binge watching of the latest adventures of Frank and Claire Underwood with the season 4 conclusion of House of Cards last night. They remain the scariest politicians on the planet (if you don’t count the Donald). This season was so much better than last year’s and really crackled when they were competing against each other. The finale felt like a game of wack-a-mole as the bones of past scandals keep popping up to be dealt with in the midst of Frank’s re-election campaign. There really wasn’t a climactic scene, just a set up for next season; by now they know they’ve got us hooked. The last, chilling scene has both Frank and Claire (for the first time) breaking the fourth wall to stare at the audience.

I also made my weekly descent on the local movie theater to see 10 Cloverfield Lane. It is every bit as good as you’ve probably already heard. The tough part will be writing about it without revealing the plot which is the strength of the movie, along with standout performances by John Goodman (as usual) and Mary Beth Winstead. A young woman (Winstead) wakes up in an underground survivalist vault after a car accident. There was a supposed apocalypse of some undetermined manner occurring above their heads. The master of the vault, Goodman, veers between paternal to deep, deep left field. Both Winstead and the audience are left guessing as to whether the apocalypse really did occur and what the deal is with Goodman. The nonstop tension is almost intoxicating. The final Ripleyesque scenes have to be seen to be appreciated; I can say no more, other than go see this, fully prepared to leave fingernail impressions in the arms of the seat or your date.

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