Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Filially Partner Fortune

Happy Birthday ABFA!!!!!!
Before we move on to the completely non-mundane aspects of yesterday’s existence, it’s important to recognize the continued excellence of the ABFA who celebrates a milestone birthday today. She’s one of those rare people you meet in life that seem to emanate an inner light that people are drawn to. I know my favorite son certainly is/was and I can still remember that first phone call he made to us after their first date. After heaing him wax poetic about thhe new girl in his life I turned to my wife and said, “There’s something very different about this one, I think he’s in love.” It turned out to be true and they eventually both bowed to the inevitability that they were meant for each other. We are definitely the richer to have this young lady in our lives. Thanks ABFA for allowing us to bask in your reflected light and Happy Birthday!
My Cali-Daughter was equally blessed in her partner – the redoubtable WingMan! His band blew into town yesterday and I was able to steal him for a few hours of hang time. I pulled up behind his tour bus around 11am and when he emerged the world seemed a little brighter as profound loneliness fled in panic. He only had a couple hours until rehearsal so I took him home for a shower, some laundry and a couple very large steaks. The best part was sitting down around the kitchen table and talking.
Kidnapping in Progress
There was fertile ground for conversation what with the whole impending fatherhood issue to discuss. He’s so excited about the prospect and the First Blog Reader is going to have a great dad. He was also reflective of what his chosen career means with parenthood involved. We also took the opportunity to watch the new Star Wars trailer together (alright it was four times!) since that’s another shared obsession.
My View With Wingman at the Keyboards
After dropping him off back at the concert site I returned to work with the plan to return for the band’s show last night. Driving into downtown Worcester on a weeknight is like entering a post-apocalyptic movie set. The thriving city of daylight hours closes up shop completely. It was only 8:30pm but there was nobody around and the streets virtually deserted. That is until I got close to the Palladium Theater. Wingman left me an all access pass at the Will Call window and I got more than a couple weird looks from the very young crowd as I wended my way into the theater. I think I sported more gray hair than the entire rest of the audience, combined. I think I was also the only one there without a tattoo or the odd piercing but overall the crowd was very welcoming.
Headbob in Progress
This was the first live rock and roll concert I’ve been to since the last time he was in town and it is still a real spectacle. I sat in a balcony and the band was every bit as good as remembered. I really liked a number of their new songs. The band was obviously very popular as the crowd was singing along with them, even for the recently published songs. The mosh pit was the usual exercise in the seemingly nonsensical needs of youth but it looked like they were having a good time. The music was loud enough to bend time and space but that was expected and welcome (I mean I’m not that old!). Wingman really gets a workout at these shows, playing the keyboards and dashing around the stage demonstrating more energy than anybody else.
After the Show
We linked up again after the show in their tour bus. It was amusing to see these rock gods who were bouncing around the stage minutes before sitting around talking about kids and life in general. Wingman reported a bruised face from an overly energetic head bob which made contact with his keyboard. I didn’t want to let him go but the bus was prepping for departure for an overnight drive to Pittsburgh while I had the less than welcome prospect of work this morning staring me down. (I’ll hopefully be making the same drive on Saturday with Keene Friend for the Pittsburgh College Roommate’s birthday bash). I felt good though as I drifted through the desert of late night Worcester for the opportunity and pleasure that hang time with WingMan always engenders.

Our respective wives were following the day’s Worcester developments from the left coast. My wife accompanied the Cali-Daughter to her weekly pre-natal doctor’s visit. The First Blog Reader is starting to seriously overachieve in the growth department. The doctors estimate he/she has passed the eight pound mark with three weeks still left until delivery date. That goes down firmly in the “Yikes!” department. All other tests show a healthy mom and progeny, all I could hope for. My Favorite Panamanian is concerned that given the size, the baby may arrive before Wingman’s November 3rd return to ground zero. She has decreed the need for a route recon to the hospital with her at the wheel, should be interesting.
Baby Clothes Being Organized!

Today's Fashion Ensemble

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