Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Pungent Sink

Monday arranged the most appropriate weather possible, driving rain and clammy conditions reminiscent of March. That’s the “great” thing about New England weather, the perfect summer of Sunday is paid for with days like yesterday. At least being a Monday squashed any day dreaming of time better spent out of doors.
The packing frenzy continues at home, my wife had me pick up another lode of boxes on my way home. I returned to find Buddy confined to his kennel with a satisfied but extremely guilty look on his face. I found my wife spitting mad about having to share her lunch with the Wonder Pooch. She left a pan with her chicken dinner on the counter while she went into another room – rookie mistake. Buddy had the entire thing on the floor and consumed in a startlingly short time. Buddy’s counter climbing prowess while ably demonstrated once again resulted in a very P.O’d Panamanian on his tail very quickly – hence the sentence to solitary confinement.
Once she settled down and caught her breath from recounting “my” dog’s malfeasance we got to work on packing the kitchen up. During our many military moves the professional packers always seemed to dislike packing the kitchen out the most. I now understand their reticence. Kitchens are full of never ending cupboards with mostly breakable items. Since most of the stuff is fragile my wife has kept me far away from most of it. I was called in yesterday to cull the liquor cabinet. We don’t drink hard liquor, outside of the rum swizzles from our recent Bermudian sojourn. I can’t remember the last time I had a drink of anything harder than beer. That means over the years with the many parties we’ve hosted a fairly prodigious amount of alcohol was acquired which remained untouched in our cupboard – until last night.
What I Sued to Clean Out Pipes Last Night
Some of the liquor dated back to our military days and I remember seeing it packed up several times which means almost twenty years old. I’m sure that’s good for some type liquor but definitely not all. I’m here to tell you that daiquiri mix does not age well. I base this opinion upon the smell of the liquid from the bottles I did cull from the herd last night as it disappeared down the kitchen sink drain. My wife added a gallon bottle of soy sauce which completed the olfactory extravaganza. Even Buddy, freed from incarceration, avoided the kitchen for a while – a true first.

We finally corralled the Cali-daughter and her expanding baby bump long enough to get some advice on artifacts uncovered during the excavations in her old room. Using FaceTime she was able to visually inspect the items and decree which could be consigned to the dumpster. The movie posters from every Kevin Spacey film ever made did not make the cut so that fascination might finally be waning.

One of the employees haunted Sunday with a professional camera and posted a bunch of photos. He was apparently fascinated with my dunk tank ensemble. Here are a few of those:

Some might remember that I wrote a little over a year ago about the ground breaking for a new facility which we should be moving into next year. The site is a brownfield with some serious remediation that’s been going on ever since that groundbreaking. It was the site of 19th century coal tar plant and EPA regs were noticeably absent during that time. They’ve finally trucked most of the hazardous material away and the building is starting to rise from the ground, see photos below:

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