Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Tortured Race and Cookies

When I first heard about the release of the CIA Torture report I was more than a little pissed at yet another blatant partisan act by the Washington politicians.  This time by the Democratic Senate just before they relinquish their long held leadership role in January.  The hue and cry surrounding the release was that this would endanger American lives around the world (as if they weren’t already at risk).  The Activist in Chief is doing his usual two-step to solemnly stand on the sidelines to see which way the wind blows.  His only comments were made to a minor foreign speaking news service.  While this release is all that I accuse it of above I’ve changed my mind.
The United States of America is strong enough and on firm enough ground to withstand this type inquiry.  We should do this because no one else will.  It allows us to look at what happened during the initial phases of what was a real, shooting war after suffering a devastating attack on our homeland.  Let us not conveniently fail to remember what the days following 9-11 were like.  The release also allows us to reflect and realize the superb job the CIA has done since 9-11 and the shadowy heroes who’ve stepped up to keep the wolves from our door, because make no mistake – they are out there (both the wolves and the heroes). 

All former directors of the CIA, both Republican and Democrat, including the Activist in Chief’s current director have lambasted the report as virulent partisanship.  They eloquently refute the conclusions of the liberal hacks that wrote the report and point out the series of successes and actionable intelligence that was produced while admitting there were mistakes made when setting up the program initially.  Before you progressives out there (you know who you are) take to your soap boxes to vilify some real heroes take a few minutes to look beyond the report and learn the facts.  That is why I changed my mind – let’s look at it; it’s not as if we’re cutting the heads off innocent people and broadcasting that to the world.

The other issue the news services are rampantly beating us about the head and shoulders with is race relations and questionable police shootings.  It’s interesting to see the people standing at the podium with each of the aggrieved families.  There must be some sort of frequent flyer rate between Ferguson to Cleveland to NYC.  I’m not so naïve as to believe there is not a problem with race relations but to say we haven’t come a long way is ludicrous.  Again, we’re strong enough to have this discussion although I fail to understand how blocking highway traffic and scaring children at Christmas Tree Lightings relates.
There are good people (the vast majority) and we can come together to figure out how to live with each other because we have to.  The older I get the more MLK’s words resonate with me, especially that people shouldn’t be judged by the color of their skin but the content of their character.  Popular “black” culture and the rest of us as well have lionized the thug life through rap music (my children know I believe rap music is source of all weevil in the world).  Young black men emulate these avowed law breakers and we’re surprised when they run afoul of a system of law designed to protect everybody?
Each of the people in the three situations I reference above died while involved in unlawful acts.  We ask the police to protect us but we cannot ask them to do so if we’re going to hold them to an unrealistic standard.  What kind of mother lets a twelve year old run around a public park pointing a very realistic looking handgun at people (emulating some popular thug I’m sure)?  We need to let the system work.  The police and society have procedures in place to properly address these situations. It certainly shouldn’t be administered by mob rule.  The families in each of these cases suffered heartbreaking losses but all aspects of the cases need to be looked at not just the color of the skin involved.  Once that happens the truth becomes the next victim to the relentless agendas of those who involve themselves.

I’ll step down from my own soap box long enough to report I was the victim of some fairly soul crushing torture myself last night at home.  I don’t see any of the activists rushing to my support after this dastardly act.  I came home to find the house permeated with the smell of Christmas cookies.  My wife spent the entire day of rain and ice baking her usual dozens of delectable treats.  I am doing my penance for Thanksgiving week over indulgence by observing strict Keto dietary restrictions until I similarly over indulge at Christmas time.

My Wife's Torture Implements - So Painful!!!!!
These things smelled so good!!!!!  She even asked me to peel the coverings off the chocolate kisses while in Couch Potato Position #1 which only twisted the deeply embedded sword more.  The salt added to the wound was her consistent offers of samples.  Usually she has to attentively guard the growing cookie supply from my depredations.  While I’m proud I was able to resist – it was truly one of the hardest things I’ve done in a while )shows how easy I’ve got it).  Not even 1970’s version of Raquel Welch helped distract me – although it was a gallant effort.
My Daughter (Center) Spent One of her Last Nights in NYC Winning a Trivia Contest

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