Monday, September 23, 2013

Wistful Drive Back to Reality

Buddy let me sleep in yesterday on the couch at Keene friend’s home without his customary 6am wake up call.  I really appreciated that because Saturday while supremely enjoyable was a very, very long day. 

Yesterday was a sad return to reality with departures and saying goodbyes.  I had so much fun with my three closest friends whom I think of as brothers.  There’s a shorthand to our communication that’s only achieved after several decades of friendship.  This weekend provided a truly rare opportunity without spousal obligations and it truly rocked!  I was, however, faced with returning to the very empty homestead.
Friday Night With Two of my "Brothers" on my Right
I felt a real sense of loss as I drive home through a spectacular autumn morning with the trees just starting to turn color.  I couldn’t escape the feeling of melancholy that inevitably follows an epically fun event.  I didn’t want to leave that fleetingly recaptured feeling of being home, lightly grasped over the weekend surrounded by my high school classmates and my best friends. 

My body decided to assist me with the return to reality as I paid in spades for the excessive non-keto intake on Saturday.  The ride back became hurried for a number of reasons. 
Brady was Finally Semi-Clicking
I tried to stay busy around the empty house which was fairly easy since I had to go grocery shopping and banking as well as laundry and cooking two meals around the NFL schedule. The Patriots started out the way they played in their last game – very flat but quickly turned that around.  They posted a solid victory with Brady finally looking like he’s on the same page as his young receivers. 
The Impossible Dream Season Honored
I also checked in on the Red Sox who are playing out their schedule now they have crowned themselves as division champs.  There was a special moment before the game where they honored the man they call “Yaz”.  I don’t think any Red Sox fan of my generation will not point to the summer of 1967 as when the obsession was born.  The torch bearer for that incredible summer was Carl Yastrzemski.  Yesterday they unveiled a stature outside Fenway honoring the man who almost singlehandedly fathered Red Sox nation.  A cool moment. 
My Son and MEF This Past Weekend - Dressed to the 9's
I tried to defeat the pensive longing for the past weekend by attacking a puzzle while the games were going on.  That seemed to help but I think Buddy has lodged his disapproval of this activity by successfully sabotaging the effort with a digested piece of sky.  My son called to check in on me and report that his best man speech at the wedding was uniformly praised - no surprise there. 
I finally got the wife on the phone and her reports on my father in law were uniformly positive.  I detected for the first time some optimism and they are rushing around trying to get the house ready for his return which could happen in a few days.  All of the extraneous feeding and breathing tubes have been removed and he has apparently charmed the entire female medical team on his floor.  Good news there.  I just wish my own home wasn’t some damned empty. 

I did pay for the photos of the reunion where I was grilled in merciless detail about the lady I was pictured hugging.  I’m glad to see that she still thinks I pose a risk, even though we both realize its non-existent.  Some more photos from the magical weekend are appearing as well. 
The Cantankerous One was Selected as "Most Outspoken" - Huge Surprise
The Graduates of Lincoln Elementary School
Such a Great Weekend

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