Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Silver Lined Solitude

Awesome Movie!!!!
Another crazy day at work, which at least keeps my attention from wandering too much.  We are plodding through the reprogramming of the entire scheduling system and are actually a little bit ahead of schedule.

I returned home to undergo an hour long phone conference with the financial planner from the company I’ve worked with for over twenty years.  He prodded me for a bunch of information and then graciously offered a sit down session explaining all of my options, for only $1200!  I graciously replied that I was beyond the point for planning for my retirement years which are seemingly right around the corner mitigating the need for a long term investment strategy.

I jumped back into the puzzle I’m working on – something I was doing the entire time he was talking to me.  It’s amazing how much time flies by when I work on a puzzle – or I just could be incredibly stupid and take too long to put it together.  Buddy hates it when I work on a puzzle and I keep an eye on his tactic of stealing and eating random pieces. 

I kept my streak alive by hitting the movies for the fourth day in a row.  I finally went to see Silver Linings Playbook which my daughter has almost apoplectically encouraged me to see.  Since it was finally playing at the local theater I checked it out and thoroughly enjoyed.

All of the actors were in top notch form but Jennifer Lawrence was a revelation.  I was a little worried because the beginning of the move features a tortured soul in Bradley Cooper’s character who is not very likable.  Lawrence arrives about a third of the way through and the movie just takes off at that point due to her incredible talent.  She is so believable and likable as another tortured soul that you immediately begin rooting for both of them because of her. 

The supporting cast is likewise superb led by Robert Deniro, Chris Tucker (nice to see him back), and Jackie Weaver who plays Cooper’s mom and the power behind the family scenes.  This entire movie is a gem.  My daughter’s movie recommendations rock (at least in this case)!
I came out of the theater to find the car completely covered in an unexpected blanket of snow.  Fortunately I had moved the snow scraper out of the car to make the legendary final packing of PanaGal luggage happen.  I finally got on the road after doing some potentially fatal damage to my best buy card clearing the windshield.
Puzzle Progress - Not Bad for One Day
The Card Destroying Snow

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