Thursday, January 31, 2013


My Last Shot with the Pana-Gals
And then – depression set in!!!  Yesterday I had to say goodbye to not only my wife but the fabulous, talented, and undeniably beautiful Pana-Gals (did I get that right, Beli?)  As with everything connected with the Pana-Gals the trip to the airport was something of an adventure.

It started the night before when they unveiled the full extent of their shopping ravages over the past month by showing me all of their luggage in one spot.  I felt an uneasy panic starting to nip when I saw the sheer amount of baggage not to mention five women I had to get to the airport in one vehicle.  One of my friends had repeatedly offered to help convey the group to the airport but I blithely assured him that I had everything under control. 

Yesterday morning, at 4AM, my hubris came back to haunt me.  I sardined as many of the bags into the back of the Highlander as humanly possible.  After trying about eight different configurations I still had four massive suitcases that needed to go with us (these gals do not travel light).  The Highlander does not have a luggage rack but it does have two rails on the roof.

I dragged a tarp out into the drizzling rain and put the four suitcases up on the roof.  After I secured everything to the rails I noted that there was nothing that would prevent the ropes from sliding down the rails when we reached highway speed. 

In the midst of this my wife peeked out of the house and said that I looked worried (ever the master of the understatement).  I eventually figured out how to tie off the load to two handles inside the car.  I don’t think they noticed the intense prayers emanating from the driver’s seat once we reached the highway. 

We must have made quite a sight heading down the highway as we put the rear shocks on the car to an acid test.  Somehow all four visiting Panamanians fit into the back seat and didn’t complain once for the entire trip.

We reached the airport and I deposited them and the luggage outside the United counter.  While I parked the car, they maneuvered their prodigious load of baggage into the (deserted!!) ticket counter.  By the time I made my way from the labyrinthine Central Parking Garage they had already checked in and only had to repack one suitcase due to weight problems.  It was really tough saying goodbye to these ladies, most especially my wife.  I found myself uncharacteristically emotional and was unable to watch them through security as I normally do.

I drove into work to learn that chaos was reining in Worcester as unexpected black ice was popping up everywhere.  I hadn’t noticed it during my drive, probably because the Highlander had to weigh about eight tons with everything loaded yesterday morning.

It was a very subdued house that I returned to last night.  I tracked the Pana-Gals flight as they successfully returned home.  Buddy finally got the gender bending scarf off almost like he was only tolerating it for the ladies while they were here.

I found the empty house too tough to take and snuck out for a movie.  I went to see Broken City which I had high hopes for.  The movie just didn’t deliver and strangely Russell Crowe, as the corrupt mayor, was the problem.  He’s usually up for any role but he was just not believable.  Wahlberg, Jeffrey Wright, and Zeta-Jones, as well as Coach Taylor, were all very good though.  Barry Pepper looks like he’s done some really hard living over the past decade.  The movie itself just kind of wanders along.  A clear miss for a movie with a cast this loaded with talent.  Crowe seems to have lost his way.
This is What I'll Miss Most
The Inside of the Highlander
The Jury Rigged Roof Suitcases
Pana-Gals Passing the Luggage Test
The Gals Are Gone?  The Scarf is off!!!!!!
Broken Movie

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