Tuesday, September 4, 2012

First Anniversary

My "Salsa" and I Yesterday In Keene
I can’t believe it but I’ve now been writing this blog for a whole year now and yesterday’s post was the 300th.  I wasn’t too sure where I was headed when I started this with the assistance of my daughter (a much better writer).  I surprised myself when I found how much I enjoyed it.  I went through the posts a couple of weeks ago and it was interesting to see how it has evolved but that’s what life is about and to a certain extent I think I’ve found my voice.  I had some trepidation when I started that I really didn’t have that much to say and regular readers probably agree to a certain extent but the most liberating aspect of this, with all due respect, is that I truly do not care.  I know that I’m not writing a masterpiece, just my observations for whatever they’re worth.  Ole Socrates said it first about examining your own life.  I hope I don’t end up with too much hemlock but I’ve enjoyed the ride.  One of my oldest friends, still fighting the appellation I’ve bestowed upon him, recently told me that he’s learned more about me from reading this blog than he did in the almost half century of our friendship.  I’ve never been a sharer when it comes to talking about myself, even with my closest friends and family, so this was a huge step for me, kind of uncharted territory.  I wrote in one of my earliest posts that in a small way I was writing this for my future grandchildren.  When you get to my age mortality starts to raise its ugly head.  I don’t think I’ll be around when they’re adults and can understand or appreciate who I was.  I looked at this as an opportunity to introduce my wife and myself to them from across the years, when they’re old enough to understand it.  As I reviewed the posts from the past year I was impressed by how full my life is, even if some people don't like their picture taken to document it.  I have some truly great family and friends and a wife that adds so much “salsa” to my everyday existence that I have to consider myself prodigiously blessed.  My life is about finding that elusive home after a vagabond adult life in the Army.  I think I’ve found that home, it’s not a place but the circle of family and friends I get to hang out with at times.  It was there all along.
After Breakfast With Keene Friend Yesterday

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