Friday, April 20, 2012

Habla-ing the Ole Espanole'

Over the last few days we’ve been traveling to the different senior centers to make presentations on our new fare box.  Yesterday we went to two and I was exhausted afterwards even though I really enjoyed interacted with the seniors – just great people.  They’ve paid their dues and do not suffer b.s. lightly, my kind of people.  I was getting back into the van and banged my forehead against the visor.  I didn’t think anything of it until we got back to the office and I noticed blood dripping down my face.  I had opened a small cut and head wounds bleed a lot.  I told some of the ladies working that the seniors were so upset with the new fare box that they attacked us.  It was funny to see the more gullible ones react and then slowly realize I was kidding.  I got home and returned a call to my sister where I received a stern lecture from her on my failure to inform her a few years back when I was going through the health scare which I wrote about a couple of days ago.  She’s a health care professional and was not pleased with me.  I promised her full access to my medical records on her next visit.  Apparently my well meant concern about not alarming anybody was not well received (I think she may care about me or something). On the upside, someone is actually reading this blog, Hoo Ahh.  This morning I had to make the fare box presentation in Spanish to a group of Hispanic seniors (senors?).   All my gringo friends here at work and especially my boss think I speak great Spanish but I’m always a little nervous speaking to a group of native speakers.  Except for today, for some reason I just launched into the presentation and really connected with the group.  The head of the center actually came up and complimented me on my Spanish.  Usually my Spanish needs a couple of beers to really flow but today it just came to me.  I think my recent visit to Panama helped a lot.  Having as hard time getting my head through the door right now – I need to visit with my old Navy friend – that should cure that.  I still hate the puzzle but am making progress – damn it.
The g.d. Puzzle - Notice how Nothing Interlocks

1 comment:

  1. Lookin' good, Dad! And should probbaly keep all family informed of health scares!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was mad too!!!
